This blog has been produced to document my promotional package for my horror trailer and the trailer itself. It also includes all of my research and planning into the project, in order for the trailer to appeal to my chosen target audience. Enjoy!

Thursday 15 March 2012

Costume Ideas

Katie 'Opening Scene'

When it came to creating Katies costume, I tried to picture her vharacter in my head and what she would look like if she was to walk past me in the street. I imagined a very shy, awkward girl who used clothes as a way of hiding herself from all around her and hated anything that would draw attention to her. This is why I chose the following look to represent her entrance into the University.

I sought inspiration from films such as Sorority Row, Tormented and Scream 4 for characters who also are shy and modest and who aren't as provocatively as most of  of the teenage girl charcters you tend to see in horror films.

Katie 'Party Wear'

After the audience is introduced to Katie as a shy and nervous student, I wanted them to see that there was hope for her and that she would soon relish in the University lifestyle and culture. This is also evident in her clothing as the audience sees the new, confident Katie stumbling home from a Freshers week party! This is where I have decided to follow the convention of horror films as traditionally women are represented in horror films as the damsel in distress and are usually being attacked by the killer because they have committed a sinful act. This can be repesented through the use of clothing, for instance...

The pink lace top while sexy and revealing still has a innocent aspect to it with connotations of virginity (white lace). The ideo of a item of white clothing was inspired by Drew Barrymores' character in Scream, in which she is murdered within the first ten minutes of the film. She is dressed in a mens white shirt indicating a sexual relationship and promiscuity while also signally purity and delicate.

Katy 'Demon'

As I was aiming my practical peices at a largely male audience, I felt that the main protagonist while incredibly scary should also reflect the representation of most female charcters in horror films. For instance The book “Men, Women and Chainsaws” by Carol J Clover supports this “The functions of monster and hero are far more frequently represented by males and the function of the victim far more garishly by females. The fact that female monsters and female heroes, when they do appear are masculine in dress and behaviour and often in name and that male victims are shown in feminine postures at the moment of their extremity…”

For instance I have chosen to use a sexy and revealing dress for Katie's character when she has become a demon. This is due to the fact that the demon (in a strange way could also be incredibly attractive meaning that she is irresistable to her main victums, for example Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body. Black is also a symbol for Katies soul less body and has connotations with death.

Crew Members

The Girls

Inspiration from the Bella Swan and the Cullen family in Twilight:
  • Use of dark tones
  • Smart/Casual Clothing
  • No name brands or logos

Also influenced by the film crew in Grave Encounters:
  • Black logo free clothing
  • Compliments the horror genre
  • Black also signals death and fear

Killer Roommate

 The main inspiration for my antagonist is the character of Rebecca from the film The Roommate.Throughout the film, Rebecca's character wears alot of dark and expressionless clothing which is used to portray her personality and mental state of mind. Her hair is always poker straight in contrast to the student she obsesses over, who is fresh, attractive and glowing in confidence.

As the killing will take plaxe in the morning after a party I felt it would be useful for mise-en-scene purposes to dress the antagonist in appropriate costume, therefore I had decided to use a fluffy pink bath robe for the murder scene. This will be when the roommate offers a drink to Katie and I have chosen to use such an innocent, fun and innocent pink bathrobe as it is a total contrast to the roommates twisted personality and will fool the audience into believing that she is genuine and kind after all. So then, when they witness her poisoning Katie they will be shocked and wondering how they did not see it coming.

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